We have all grown up seeing images of evil witches making appearances in the stories that we would consume as children. Fairy tales were often ridden with anecdotes of older women using magic to harm fair and gentle protagonists. The witch is often portrayed as haggard and dark souled, cloaked in black fabric and living alone in lightless corners of ambiguous woodland areas. The evil characters would condemn their subjects to poor fortune with cruel curses and hexes. Not only in fiction, but in history, would magical practitioners be painted as those who carry out the work of the devil, inflicting misfortune on the lives of those who cross them.

It’s no wonder that there are so many people who consider an image of a dark cloaked being when they hear the word witchcraft. Perhaps they even feel a little fearful of the harm that could be inflicted upon them by witchcraft because of these inaccurate portrayals. However, here at Magic Spirit, we know this is all a load of poppycock. Often in life we find that where there is light, there is also darkness, and this philosophy applies to witchcraft too. In reality, a witch is no way near as evil as they are made out to be, and the protagonist is no way near as fair and gentle as they are made out to be.

Okay, so witches aren’t evil. But, does dark magic still exist?

The short answer is yes. But it’s complicated.

Although the portrayal of the witch throughout history and literature is inaccurate and demonizes witches, there is one thing that could stand as relatively true. Those who practiced magic that harmed others, would find themselves in an undesirable situation in the end. Those who practice dark magic, must be prepared to live dark lives.

Magical practitioners can place curses on people and places, and ominous dark magic can be practiced. But it is worth considering that every action commands an equal reaction of equal energy. Witches who are powerful and well-practiced know that there are consequences to their actions and if they intend to place a curse on someone else, they must be prepared for like energy to reflect back on them in some way.

If this has left you fearful that one day someone may place a curse on you, don’t worry, there are things that can be done to counteract the spell. Curses and magic of ill intention can be placed upon others; however, these spells can also be lifted. In fact, many who learn and practice magic will learn to place curses during their studies for the sole reason that they can also understand how to lift them, should they ever need to.

What we want you to take from this is that we all get back what we put into the world and every choice that we make influences our own experience. Whether you are a witch, or you aren’t, we all harbor the choice to act with good or ill intention, and it is our choices that shape our reality.

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